blue toes

In September of 2003, I had toes that turned a very dark blue and numbness in the bottom of my feet. They felt as though I was walking on sponges. I also suffered from severe headaches. After many tests, including a fat cell test, (editor's note: fat biopsy) it was discovered that I had a severe amount of toxins such as DDT, DDE and arsenic in my system.

I then decided to do the detoxification process. While this was not an easy task for me to do, I am very happy I did it as today my toes are the normal color once again and there is no numbness in my feet anymore. All the feeling has been restored. I think I have had only (1) headache since this procedure was done. This procedure is remarkable; I think without it eventually I would have lost my toes, not to mention balance and many other things that these toxins can do such as cause breast cancer etc.

I wish to thank Conrad and Coleen Maulfair very much for all they have done for me during this process and hope, as I am sure they will, help many more people.
