I was addicted to a drug and life was in a tailspin, my physical and mental health was failing. I did not even realize how my mental function had deteriorated. I was suffering from malnutrition and sleep deprivation so I had all three occurrences happening with my body not even considering all the toxins I picked up just through normal life. 

All these things were slowly killing me. Basically the Hubbard program is the only thing that resurrected me, with the sleep and nutritional regimen and sauna revitalized me. If it weren't for this center and this program I do not know what would have happened to me. I would have wound up in a state rehabilitation center taking more drugs or not handling my problem at all. 

At this point in time I feel full body health and I know that I am more articulate and interested in life with a positive attitude and ready to face my responsibilities and become an active member of society. I am almost speechless about how great this program is, I would recommend it to anybody. I experienced this program first hand and it works. This program is a true answer to drug problems, physical and mental problems. It cleared my mind up. This program and Dr. Maulfair and Coleen have given me a second chance in life. I may have wound up dead with no family or home. That is the fact. 

I want to thank my wife for doing the research to find Mr. Hubbard's program. Thank goodness there was someone who took the time in his life to commit himself to the problems of others and come up with this program to help others. Thanks to Mr. Hubbard. It is not just for someone on a street drug, or a person with toxic exposures due to their work place, this program could serve everyone. Everyone can benefit. I am amazed how it helped me mentally. It would solve depression. Because of the whole program it positively affects your entire well being. 

I would highly recommend this program due to my positive experiences I know it will help everyone who uses it.

S.K. 2007