sauna detoxification

What Happens in the Sauna?

Observing clients in our sauna detoxification program is all you need to be certain chemical contaminants are at the bottom of tough, unrelenting health problems.  Sweating out colors and odors of chemical residues are not the only occurrences.  Often old injuries appear and hang around for a bit and then dissipate.  The resurgence of health and relief of symptoms follows. Sounds strange. 

When you realize how the body works and how conditions can become worse as we age it is easier to understand the connections of stored chemicals to illness.   The body stores chemicals chiefly in adipose tissue when it is unable to release the chemicals it considers as poisons through the usual detoxification pathways.  The Hubbard protocol of sauna detoxification takes exquisite advantage of what the body does in an effort to stay healthy; it sweats and exhales and sheds contaminants in urine and feces and when it cannot do that it stores them in adipose (fat) tissue because fat tissue is metabolically relatively inactive.  A limited blood supply makes fat tissue a storage mechanism that almost works.  It works until  you burn the fat tissue for energy releasing the chemical it has stored back into the blood stream.  There is an endless effort on the part of the body to capture these chemicals in fat.  The body knows chemicals are not needed, are dangerous, and try's to protect itself.

You need clean food, water and air and environment to be healthy.  When you breathe and put perfume on your hair and body, for instance, you are taking in petrol chemicals.  Perfumes can be manufactured of  as many as 400+ chemicals that result in the particular smell, they are reactive and molecules spring into the air and go up your and someone else's nose directly into your lungs where there is a lining, single cell deep, between the "air" you breathe and your blood stream.  Those chemicals being foreign to the body are directed into fat storage to get them out of circulation where they do the most damage.

The Hubbard protocol handles these activities of the body very well.  With vitamins and minerals and replacement of salt, potassium and electrolytes the body repairs itself as the contaminants are sweated out over time.  This is a daily program.  Soon after starting your body is detoxifying 24 hours a day.

Back to my mission of the bringing this program to our Veterans as well as our patients.  It is a miraculous experience to watch someone who is ill recover in a few short weeks.  Recover from health problems that have not resolved under other protocols,  some of these conditions are scary and wreak havoc on their lives.  Crushing fatigue was a problem for two clients who completed this program last month.  They had tried other therapies but were left with serious fatigue.  They are much, much improved now and feel the program is worth it.  It works.

Coleen Maulfair


Toxic Exposures and Your Body

There are millions, maybe bigillions, my word, of chemical reactions going on in our bodies every moment as the body tries to maintain homeostasis.  Vitamins and minerals are employed as cofactors in thousands of enzymatic activities in the body.  In its efforts to be healthy it is relying on acquiring the necessities of life and health.


The requirements for life and health are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins & minerals, water and oxygen.  Chemicals of any kind are not on the list, heavy metals are not on the list, perfumes are not on the list, food additives and dyes are not on the list, pharmaceutical drugs are not on the list, nor street drugs.  It may be that some chemical substance is needed to overcome a symptom or poor health condition but if so they should be used at the smallest amount and for the shortest time possible.   If they are not needed as a constituent for health what does the body do with them?


Dr. Maulfair often says if you swallow something or breathe something you have committed your body to doing something with it.  If you fail to sweat out a toxin, or pee or poo it out, it is stored in the body's fat tissue mainly, but also other places.  You can bet it is disrupting some normal function in the body interfering with what should be happening on a cellular level.  Enough of that and you have a problem, a health problem.

Pesticides disrupt hormone production and activity in the body; hence we have girls menstruating at an early age, infertility for both sexes, overweight or just huge kids often from growth hormones in dairy products.  Food additives like msg cause weight gain and cravings for more food; you feel over hungry when you are eating junk food.  Your body thinks it is starving on a poor diet and packs on the weight as a defensive measure.  Chemicals in plastics, styrofoam, and food production also add to the health problems we face.

When you go to a physician with the problem of fatigue or exhaustion do you ever get asked what you do for a living, or how you may have accumulated toxins?  It does not happen unless you see an enlightened physician that can also do something about it.  In most medical centers they cannot do anything about your chemical exposures so they do not bring it up. 

We had the pleasure recently of helping two people who had debilitating exhaustion, overwhelming fatigue.  One was a pharmacist and the other a Marine Veteran.  Both of them participated in a program to reduce the levels of toxins in their bodies.  If toxins were not the cause or contributing factor reducing the amount would not result in more energy with the fatigue reducing.  It did.  We offer a sauna detoxification program that reduces the toxic burden of the body.  We recommend to our clients many strategies for avoiding exposure to toxins while they are with us.

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Thanks for taking your time to "listen."  We hope this helps you in some way.

Coleen Maulfair