Dr. Maulfair has been getting to the bottom of patients' health problems since 1965. He firmly believes that a healthy body revolves around a preventative care regimen and works to find the cause of a patients ails. When underlying causes are found treatment protocols addressing causes rather than symptoms result in the return to good health and high energy.
Our Mission
Preventive medicine is not a test, diagnostic procedure or measure of current status of bodily function. Preventive medicine includes all the things you can do to retain and regain good health. No diagnostic measure prevents anything. A colonoscopy does not prevent cancer, it detects it. High blood pressure and cholesterol screenings do not prevent anything, they measure it. Yet common medicine continues to refer to these things as "prevention" making it very confusing for the public to understand the real preventive medical care they could enjoy.
One special diagnostic measure we offer tabulates the contaminants the patient's body harbors. It is a simple test with useable information that determines the level of many contaminants/toxins and recommends treatments and things one can do to increase elimination from the body. Noting the likely sources of the contaminants found, the report to patients makes it possible to avoid the toxin in the first place. The test is not preventing any thing at all, it is pointing the way to probable causes for ill health and informing someone so they can take preventive action and select treatments the reduce the toxic burden.
Your body recognizes vitamins, minerals, oxygen, water, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fats as substances it can use for health and homeostasis. It operates at peak performance when all things needed for health are provided. When you eat food with chemicals in it, breathe air with contaminates in it, put creams on your body or perfume made with chemicals, you give your body a problem. The substances are not recognized as needed for health.
We have been offering this new paradigm in medicine to the people of eastern Pennsylvania and beyond since the late 70's and the Hubbard protocol of sauna detoxification since 2003. Pharmaceutical drugs are often only suppressing symptoms while the underlying reason for the need to take them is ignored. Medical modalities exist and should be in frequent use before resorting to drugs as an answer to a health problem.
See The Great Plains Laboratory and Doctor's Data for more information on the types of diagnostic measures you could utilize.
Join us for a new experience in medical care.
“The sauna detoxification program, as directed by the Maulfair’s, is one of the most profound methods that I have found for removing the accumulated toxins that plague modern humanity.”
Conrad G. Maulfair, jr., d.o.
Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair is a graduate of the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, Missouri. Dr. Maulfair has been practicing medicine in eastern Pennsylvania for over thirty-five years. He is certified by the American College of General Practitioners in Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, certified by the American Board of Chelation Therapy and past Board Member. He is a past member of the Board of Directors of the American College of Advancement in Medicine. Dr. Maulfair is a current Board Member of the International College of Integrative Medicine, and past programs chair. Dr. Maulfair is also a member of the Citizens Commission on Human Rigths, where he is active in the fight to stop the drugging of our children across the country.
Dr. Maulfair was one of the first physicians in Pennsylvania utilizing non-drug therapies to help his patients rebuild their immune systems and avoid the toxic effects of drug therapies. He has been utilizing non-drug treatment approaches for thirty years; with clinical results for his patients spanning three decades he is called upon to speak to professional organizations about alternative medical approaches to the difficult problems of chronic degenerative diseases.In addition to his list of professional activities , Dr. Maulfair loves to speak with groups and organizations, educating them on "Better Health Naturally", making sure people are aware of the choices they have in controlling the quality of their life and longevity. Speaking to small groups , at educational seminars, in print or on radio and T.V., his mission to make people aware of the real choices in medicine is ongoing.